Community Voice

Azerbaijan British College

Community Voice

Community Voice

At ABC the leadership is passionate about parent voice. It enables parents to have a say and get involved in their child’s education. Parents are an important part of our community, who work together with the school for the good of the students and to enrich student lives.

Parent voice groups play a key role in fostering parental engagement and strengthening partnerships between school and home. They also operate as a way to disseminate important information, manage change and inform of advances that the school makes.


At ABC the purpose of our parent voice group is:

To strengthen the partnership between home and school.

  1. To enable parents to meet and share ideas.
  2. To keep parents informed about school based, local and national education initiatives
  3. To allow parents the opportunity to be more directly involved in the learning experiences
  4. being offered to the children.
  5. To organise and coordinate events that build of community spirit and togetherness
  6. To support school initiatives and fund raise to provide student enrichment

There are two groups that meet to achieve these aims.

The Parent Councils:

In a year group there are 4 classes.  Each class elects a parent representative.   These 4 representatives form a micro-council.  Each micro-council elects 1 representative to sit on the Parent Council.

The parent council meet once a month to formulate plans, coordinate events and discuss business. Both the PPC and the SPC are made up of the following elected members.
President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and 4 executive committee members.
Micro-Councils may meet to vote and or discuss/disseminate information. Micro-Councils may also be called to meet by the school to discuss/disseminate information pertinent to that year group or groups.