September 19, 2021 2023-07-06 5:13Vacancies
Azerbaijan British College
Working at ABC
ABC is a very pleasant place to work. The school is new, and has modern facilities. The classes are small, with up to 20 students in each classroom. Teachers normally start work at 07.45 am, and classes end at 3.15 pm for primary and 4.00 pm for secondary. Each teacher also offers one after school activity (depending on their interests and background) one hour per week,
The buses pick up and take teachers and other staff between the school campus and the local Metro station. We have different timings for those who want to use the gym, the swimming pool, or prefer to do more of their preparation and planning at school.
Our lessons are 45 minutes, and the maximum number of lessons taught by the teachers in any one week is 30, i.e. 22 ½ hours per week. In reality, the teaching load is somewhat lower though, averaging around 27 lessons (20 ¼ hours).
Before each new academic year, we have an induction week, with special emphasis for newly contracted teachers.
For more information, please see the school brochure.
Job vacancies
At ABC, we welcome applications from suitable candidates for any teaching position, at any time.
ABC believes that all staff should be involved in a continuing process of improvement. The school is committed to fostering a positive ethos of continuous learning. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the means by which a school is able to motivate and develop its staff community. This development takes place at a number of levels: individual, team, whole school and through wider networks.
ABC believes that a carefully planned programme of CPD improves standards, raises morale and assists with recruitment, retention and succession planning.
All those involved in the school community shall have an entitlement to equality of access to high-quality induction and continuing development.
The school will have effective measures in place to audit the professional and personal needs of staff and link to the performance management system.
The focus of CPD will be on improving standards and the quality of teaching and learning. The school will ensure that mechanisms are in place to disseminate good practice in CPD that supports and improves teaching and learning.
CPD planning is integrated with the School Development Plan and based on priorities identified through self-evaluation and performance appraisal.
All forms of professional development shall be based on the following principles:
- all staff should be encouraged to develop their knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes to enhance their professional work;
- all staff will have regular opportunities to discuss their development needs and professional aspirations;
- all staff have a responsibility to participate in school focused CPD and personal career development.
The school will use a range of providers/types of provision and endeavour to source the provision of CPD according the best value. Quality Assurance mechanisms ensure that the school accesses provision of a consistently high standard.
The school will support professional recognition, including accreditation of the CPD undertaken. As such, we are committed to providing our local teachers with PGCEi, mainly through the University of Nottingham. Our target is to enrol a minimum of four local teachers on PGCEi programs each year.