Inclusive Learning
June 2, 2022 2024-11-18 8:51Inclusive Learning
Azerbaijan British College
Inclusive Learning
Inclusive Learning

Inclusive education at ABC is an approach that aims to involve everybody, and ensure no young learner feels excluded during their time spent at ABC. UNICEF clearly state that all children have the right to quality education and learning. We seek to embody this at ABC and provide all our learners with the help they need to fulfill their potential and cater to their particular needs. All our learners should make progress and feel included in our educational process.
There are three different ‘layers’ to inclusion and making sure there is universal learning taking place at ABC
I) The majority of our students needs are met in the classroom during lessons because all teachers have planned opportunities for learning and considered the needs of all learners. Those that need additional help are supported, those that need extending and pushed are provided with targeted work to do so, those that need alternative activities to engage with the learning will be provided with it. Differentiation is key to our work in the classroom, which is following the quality first teaching ethos planned into all successful international and British Schools.
I) The majority of our students needs are met in the classroom during lessons because all teachers have planned opportunities for learning and considered the needs of all learners. Those that need additional help are supported, those that need extending and pushed are provided with targeted work to do so, those that need alternative activities to engage with the learning will be provided with it. Differentiation is key to our work in the classroom, which is following the quality first teaching ethos planned into all successful international and British Schools.
II) There is a minority of students who require additional help. These students may have particular needs and it is our duty, in collaboration with parents and other professionals to meet those needs. This may take the form of an inclusive education plan in one or more of the following areas:
Gifted and Talented:
Students who are identified as ‘gifted and talented’ should be extended and have their additional needs met so they are able to progress at their own rate. It may be that the student is very able in a particular sport or art. It may be that they are very able in a particular subject. These areas of strengths will be known to staff and the individual needs catered for in lesson planning, by the teachers. Inclusion is about engaging, motivating and making sure everyone makes progress.
Students who are identified as ‘gifted and talented’ should be extended and have their additional needs met so they are able to progress at their own rate. It may be that the student is very able in a particular sport or art. It may be that they are very able in a particular subject. These areas of strengths will be known to staff and the individual needs catered for in lesson planning, by the teachers. Inclusion is about engaging, motivating and making sure everyone makes progress.
English as an Additional Language:
Accessing the information presented in a class is essential if we want the student to make progress. At ABC the information is mainly delivered in English. This can present a problem, even to the most able student. ABC identifies and offers additional support for these students to enable them to access the information and improve English language skills. This may be in the form of in-class materials tailored to suit the needs of the individual, in class additional support from an adult or where it is felt most suitable additional English intervention sessions to rapidly increase the student’s comprehension and understanding in English. No decision on any of these would be taken without full parental consent and rationale for the decision being explained.
Accessing the information presented in a class is essential if we want the student to make progress. At ABC the information is mainly delivered in English. This can present a problem, even to the most able student. ABC identifies and offers additional support for these students to enable them to access the information and improve English language skills. This may be in the form of in-class materials tailored to suit the needs of the individual, in class additional support from an adult or where it is felt most suitable additional English intervention sessions to rapidly increase the student’s comprehension and understanding in English. No decision on any of these would be taken without full parental consent and rationale for the decision being explained.
Emotional and Behavioural:
Growing up in an ever-changing world after the COVID 19 pandemic and global political change presents various challenges and from time to time these can get in the way of a student making continued progress. Our pastoral team of Key Stage Leaders and our School Counsellor are here to help and make sure they continue to make progress through challenging times. This can involve daily meetings to discuss how the student feels at the start of the day, target support in classes where a student feels they are finding the subject difficult all the way through to calendared meetings with the school psychologist and the opening to other support networks through this.
Growing up in an ever-changing world after the COVID 19 pandemic and global political change presents various challenges and from time to time these can get in the way of a student making continued progress. Our pastoral team of Key Stage Leaders and our School Counsellor are here to help and make sure they continue to make progress through challenging times. This can involve daily meetings to discuss how the student feels at the start of the day, target support in classes where a student feels they are finding the subject difficult all the way through to calendared meetings with the school psychologist and the opening to other support networks through this.
Additional Learning Needs:
Up to 15% of any community are identified as having learning difficulties. There is a whole spectrum of conditions, that with help, can be overcome so that any impact on a students learning can be mitigated or removed. At ABC we are committed to ensuring that any learning needs do not become a barrier to all learners working to reach their maximum potential. We have a fully registered and qualified Director of Inclusion who, with the additional needs coordinators, will ensure that when a learner is identified as having additional needs, support and inclusive practices will be put in place. The additional needs team will ensure that the learners individual/inclusive educational plan is shared with parents and teachers and that reviews are conducted with the learner and parents through the school year to meet any concerns or identified issues.
Up to 15% of any community are identified as having learning difficulties. There is a whole spectrum of conditions, that with help, can be overcome so that any impact on a students learning can be mitigated or removed. At ABC we are committed to ensuring that any learning needs do not become a barrier to all learners working to reach their maximum potential. We have a fully registered and qualified Director of Inclusion who, with the additional needs coordinators, will ensure that when a learner is identified as having additional needs, support and inclusive practices will be put in place. The additional needs team will ensure that the learners individual/inclusive educational plan is shared with parents and teachers and that reviews are conducted with the learner and parents through the school year to meet any concerns or identified issues.
Physical Learning Needs:
A disability should never be an excuse to halt or slow down a students learning. Within inclusion we seek to make sure all children can access learning and make progress .At ABC every consideration is taken to ensure that no physical barrier disrupts the learning or wider school community engagement of any child. ABC has lifts to each floor and specialist equipment to allow each learner to have practical arrangements made which allow every individual to take part in the whole school day and no exclusion from any activity. Regular reviews of access considerations will be made in the learners
Individual/Inclusive education plan meetings with parents and all staff will be made aware of changes to ensure consistent inclusive practice.
A disability should never be an excuse to halt or slow down a students learning. Within inclusion we seek to make sure all children can access learning and make progress .At ABC every consideration is taken to ensure that no physical barrier disrupts the learning or wider school community engagement of any child. ABC has lifts to each floor and specialist equipment to allow each learner to have practical arrangements made which allow every individual to take part in the whole school day and no exclusion from any activity. Regular reviews of access considerations will be made in the learners
Individual/Inclusive education plan meetings with parents and all staff will be made aware of changes to ensure consistent inclusive practice.
III) The final ‘layer’, is where student needs require outside agencies to be involved to ensure we can continue to include a child. ABC is a mainstream school and where we can, we seek to include all learners. However we also recognise that there are specialist institutions more suited to helping children where challenges are too great for a mainstream school, no matter how much additional support and intervention is put into place. In these situations parents will be supported and offered help in making the move. ABC have an experienced director of inclusion who has worked with external agencies for many years to ensure that the child is always at the forefront of any decisions regarding further educational opportunities.
Our inclusive learning services, alongside those of pastoral care, aim to see the child thrive in a supportive academic environment.