Pastoral Care

Azerbaijan British College

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

ABC has an established reputation for excellence in pastoral care. Our approach is holistic and encompasses the academic, social, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing of every student.  
Pastoral care at ABC starts with our Form Tutors (Secondary) and Class Teachers (Primary & Preschool).  They spend the first part of each day with the students and over the year build a strong relationship becoming the key link between school and home.   Form tutors/class teachers are overseen by the Heads of Key Stages who organise the tutors and coordinate our pastoral programme through them.  In turn, the Heads of Key Stages  are managed by the Heads of School.  
In addition to this strong pastoral system vertically across year groups, we have a number of specialists that provide additional support.  

Child Safeguarding

Günel Məmmədova

Gunel Mammadli

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) in Preschool


As mentioned in the school’s Safeguarding Policy, ABC wants to ensure that all students
of the College experience an inclusive, enjoyable and safe environment, in which they
feel respected and valued. As a DSL in Preschool, I am responsible to raise awareness
of the Code of Conduct for the new staff members and respond appropriately and
promptly to disclosures or concerns relating to the well-being of a child.
I also contribute to the school safeguarding policy and procedures to ensure they remain
current and fit for purpose and review process. In addition I ensure that relevant, detailed
and accurate written records of referrals/concerns are kept confidential. By attending
relevant trainings we reinforce our safeguarding knowledge and practice at the same
time lead relevant workshops for Preschool staff.

Hüseynova GÜnay (1)

Gunay Huseynli

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) in Primary

I’m Gunay Huseynova and I am delighted to take on the role of Designated
Safeguarding Lead (DSL) here at our school, where the safety and well-being of our
students is our top priority. As the DSL, my primary responsibility is to ensure that all
children in our care are protected and supported, both emotionally and physically.
As DSL, I am the first point of contact for any safeguarding concerns, whether that’s
related to a child’s welfare, signs of abuse, neglect, or any other issue that may affect
their safety. It’s crucial that all staff, students, and even parents know that I am here to
listen and to act if a child needs help.
In this role, I will work closely with staff to make sure everyone understands our
safeguarding policies, knows how to report concerns, and feels empowered to act if they
see a child at risk. I also liaise with external agencies and work alongside our teachers,
SENCo, and counselors to ensure that every child, especially the most vulnerable, has
the support they need.
It’s essential that we create an environment where children feel safe, heard, and valued.
I’m here to help us foster that culture together.


Nargiz Mammadova

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) in Secondary


At our school, safeguarding is a top priority, ensuring every student feels safe, valued,
and protected. We are committed to creating a secure and supportive environment
where children thrive academically, emotionally, and socially. Through robust policies
and dedicated staff training, we maintain a culture of vigilance and care for the well-
being of all students. We actively encourage open communication, ensuring students
feel comfortable sharing any concerns they may have. Our comprehensive approach to
safeguarding promotes not only physical safety but also the mental and emotional health
of our school community.


Children whose emotional, social and wellbeing needs are being met make for more successful learners.

We make it a main feature of our school to take time  each morning or in specific tutorial time, to address their personal, social, health, community and emotional education.  This is, for example, to help children resolve conflicts and carry out restorative practices when relationships have broken down.  Within Primary School it is all coordinated through the PSHCE Coordinator, within Secondary is is coordinated by the Heads of Key Stages.

PSHCE Primary Curriculum



Student Voice

Sama Aghakhanova (1)

Sama Aghakhanova

Primary Student Voice Coordinator

It is always a pleasure to be able to work with our Student Councils.   Students having a voice is an important part of the functioning of any school.  At ABC the students are able to express their views through their class representatives and onto the Student Council. The role of the Student Council includes: organizing events, feeding back to the school on new regulation, initiatives and projects as well as actively seeking to advise the school on how to make things better.  Currently our School Council collects funds for charity, promotes the well-being of the general student population, promotes student ‘spirit’ and is working towards greater involvement in the function and leadership of the school.   As well as the Student Council, in Secondary students also run a student newspaper. The paper is both a source of communication and a way for students to develop their communication and organizational skills.

Peter Clark

Peter Clark

Secondary Student Voice Coordinator